Is this job offer fake or real? Tips to spot the difference!

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Is this job offer fake or real? Tips to spot the difference!


Post by Caped Crusader » Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:34 pm

Is the job offer fake or real? Tips to spot the difference
Here are certain ways that will help people to determine, if it’s a fake or a legitimate job offer.
New Delhi
March 9, 2018
UPDATED: March 9, 2018 16:37 IST

In India scams have crossed a certain number, in almost every field and due to a rapid increase in online job search currently, people are being tricked into scams.

Sometimes it becomes very difficult to determine if the job one is applying for is true or fake as scammers are increasing rapidly with more and more fake positions, appearing on such job search portals.

Scammers have also become very crafty these days, which is making it even more difficult to find out whether it is a fake job or a legitimate one.

The main motive behind these scams is to extract hard-earned money from the candidates and disappear.

Every fake job has some kind of payment involved in it. One must always stay one step ahead with the tips given below to find a legitimate job.

Here are tips given by Mr Vidur Gupta (Director, Spectrum Talent Management - Global recruitment firm) that will help people to determine, if it's a fake or a legitimate job offer:

1 Never pay:

If one is applying for a job in some good company, he/she must always remember that they do not ask you to pay money for a vacancy in their company. There are some people who receive offer letters stating that they have been selected for a particular job, for which they will have to pay a certain amount of money. These are fake job offers and one should not accept them.

2 Background research is a mandate:

Before applying to any company for a job or before going in for an interview, one must make sure he/she does a proper research about the company.He/she must visit the website of the company and if they don’t find one then they must consider it as a scam. Every good company has its website with all the contact information and with all the career options posted on the website itself.

3. Job details:

If the job details are not mentioned in the job posting, try finding out whether the candidates will be paid a commission or if there is a salary. The candidates must clarify all these details regarding the pay scale, how will they be paid and when will they be paid. If the company doesn’t assure them an hourly rate or salary, then they should drop the idea of applying there.

4. Interview process:

The interview should be formalized and rather than giving a telephonic interview, always believe in a face to face interaction. Scammers also conduct unethical interviews which are very risky.

5. Use Google:

Google should be the ultimate source of information. Trying searching by the company name on Google, for all the information and if the company doesn’t give you a name, do not bother applying. Thereafter, they must type ‘company name scam’ to find information about reported scams.

6. Be very careful:

If some job posting sounds too good to be legitimate, the candidate must be verify it. No good company asks for confidential information. If one receives a mail after applying for the job asking for the bank credentials, he/she should be sure of it being a scam. Before providing any information, one must make sure that the company is secure by looking at its website, it must be listed by ‘https://’. ... 2018-03-09

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