30 Fake (non-delivery) websites

Lists of websites that we have identified as being used for scam purposes, including impersonating real companies or posing as fake companies or agencies. They fall into several scam categories. It was easier for us to list them rather than post them separately. Read Scam Websites
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Caped Crusader
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30 Fake (non-delivery) websites


Post by Caped Crusader » Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:34 am

For further information on these Scams, please Read Identifying Scammers and Scam Websites! and Never Wire Money to Strangers! or click below on these images

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Most of these fake websites claiming to internationally wholesale commodities such as beer, soft drinks and energy drinks, a4 paper, powdered milk and baby formula, even illegal drugs and prescription medicines, etc.. and Fake shipping sites they offer to you, are scams from West African scammers mainly from Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana etc.., living in various countries, most having entered those countries using student or working visas.
Here are some scammers that have been formerly identified ==> http://stop419scams.com/viewtopic.php?t=125

****ALL websites below are fake / SCAMS****

scam pdcoltd.com sales@pdcoltd.com +66992041070
scam phirayapapermillindustry.com phirayapaperindustry@gmail.com +66641300941
scam nehoimptexptgmbh.com +436 8864 4164 68 info@nehoimptexptgmbh.com hostmaster@nehoimptexptgmbh.com
scam a4paperworld.com info@a4paperworld.com markdeveline@gmail.com
scam maddinvestmentsrl.com +40 373 780 284 info@maddinvestmentsrl.com clauvsng@gmail.com
scam scgruplemnsrl.com sales@scgruplemnsrl.com +40373780284 clauvsng@gmail.com
scam global-doubleapaper.com Info@global-doubleapaper.com DNS=akamaotto@makonjo.com (Paul Otto Akama)
scam zeenterprisedoubleapaper.com +60-116-179-0615 +60-1126-98-2521 info@zeenterprisedoubleapaper.com
scam univegpaperexportandimport.com info@univegpaperexportandimport.com
scam a4copypaperthialand.com info@a4copypaperthialand.com
scam sudaratprompapermanufacturers.com +66 - 640 262 055 info@sudaratprompapermanufacturers.com sabyasachi.baral89@gmail.com
scam rawepaperfactory.com +66 83-812-3640 raweepaperfactory@gmail.com
scam kbpapermanufacturers.com +66 -611131589 info@kbpapermanufacturers.com
scam onanungkumpapermill.com info@onanungkumpapermill.com
scam germanpaperssupliercoltdcom.de +4915214543163 +4915213279962 germanpaperscoltd@gmail.com
scam thaichickeneggs.com +66 63 951 8813 info.chickeneggs@gmail.com
scam claudiasabuhpapermills.com +66 918145734 info@claudiasabuhpapermills.com claudiaabuh1@gmail.com
scam thaipapermanufacture.com +66 62715 1355 info.thaipapermanufacturer1@gmail.com contact@thaipapermanufacture.com info@thaipapermanufacture.com
scam narapattraders.com +66-6406-961-40 +66-2253-871-20 +66-9538-464-43 info@narapattraders.com
scam papertradingsrl.com +40 373 78 18 83 info@papertradingsrl.com
scam timotimsrl.com +40 373 78 18 83 info@timotimsrl.com
scam darlingpoodlepuppyhome.com 706-610-0436
scam zimintlogistics.com +1 770 737 7990 info@zimintlogistics.com clauvsng@gmail.com
scam passionatebostonterriers.com passionatebt@gmail.com (770)737-7990
scam brfllcglobal.com +1 404 800 2802 globalllcbrf@gmail.com +1 678 881 8037 info@brfllcglobal.com
scam KENTSSHOPLTD.COM +46 7287 384 90 info@kentsshopltd.com kentsshopltd@gmail.com clauvsng@gmail.com
scam MEDICALMARIJUANA-SEEDS.COM +(404) 158 14 25 78 (657) 217-4020 nfo@medicalmarijuana-seeds.com clauvsng@gmail.com
scam intpacificlogistics.com clauvsng@gmail.com +40373780474 +380 (44) 393-1201 +40373781883
scam scgruplemnsrl.com sales@scgruplemnsrl.com +40373780284 clauvsng@gmail.com
scam GLBLOGISTICSCL.COM +44 7840 544 486 info@glblogisticscl.com clauvsng@gmail.com

**Details below ALL connected to scams**
+254789645023 trading.limited2018@gmail.com
+2547 13 448 340 godlowen@gmail.com
mumgatana123@gmail.com +1 (216) 367-2891
+40 720 672 785 global.sarl.general@gmail.com
+45 65 74 56 06 INFO.BIERWERKGMBH01@GMAIL.COM +254789645023
+254 254789645023 2018powder.chemical@gmail.com mike.herry2000@gmail.com
+ 579 790 1479
+4915217279483 +4915129998575
+4915129998573 farlandtradings@gmail.com
+255 679 424 631 ahmedrasinyusufa@gmail.com
+254 789 645023 Austine.lumba1@gmail.com

Most of these fake websites claiming to sell various commodities along with fake shipping websites are setup by West African scammers mainly from Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana etc.., living in various countries, most having entered those countries using student or working visas.
As an example of what you could be dealing with here are Cameroon scammers that has been identified:

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