Page 1 of 1 (Dying Widiw Scam)

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:11 am
by Caped Crusader
For further information on these Scams, please Read Identifying Scammers and Scam Websites! and Never Wire Money to Strangers! or click below on these images

Image Image

These are scams and scam websites which fall into the other categories of scams, can be used in multiple scams, which we do not have the time to actually categorize or we are unsure for which the particular scam they are being used, e.g. some scam sites are used for both fake job scams and romance scams (where the scammer poses as an executive in a firm) to truck the victim into believing he is legitimate. Besides the categorizes we highlight, they include Next of Kin, Trunk Box Scam, Dying Widow, Rich Orphan, Payment Representative, Fake FBI, Fake Compensation Scam, Sextortion scam, Fake Consignment/Truck Box, Fake ATM card, etc.

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 5:06 AM Rebecca Johnson <> wrote:

My Beloved in Christ
Greeting to you and all the members of your family,

I am Mrs. Rebecca Johnson from Canada, married to Late Eng Mr. Andrew
Johnson {PhD} who worked as an Independent Contractor in an Oil
/Petroleum related companies as a Turn Around Maintenance ( TAM )
engineer as an Importer in United Kingdom for 18 years. We were
married for twenty four years without a child, before his death, he
deposited the sum of {$7,200.000.00 Usd} Seven million and two hundred
Thousand United State Dollars with Royal Bank of Scotland and this
fund is presently with the bank awaiting my disbursement as
beneficiary and next of kin to the funds. Recently, my Doctor told me
that I would not last long due to cancer Problem.

Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a Charity
organization or a good and God fearing person that will use this fund
to build an orphanage home which was the dream of my late husband. l
took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit
this money. I kept this deposit secret till date; this is why I am
taking this decision, I don't think I will need any telephone
communication in this regard presently because of the nature of my
illness and the confidentiality of this transfer due to my husband
family all around me. Upon your reply I shall give you the contact
details of My Lawyer who will assist you with the documentations that
will approve you legally beneficiary of this money. I am very grateful to you for the interest
shown in my plight and I want to assure you that you will be greatly
rewarded for what you have chosen to do.

Although we are knowing each other for the first time but I believe
God has directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the internet
for assistance and I saw you, Be assured you stand no risk as this is
my money, I and my late husband labored for it.

As the next of kin, i has the sole power to donate the funds to
whoever I want. I am a religious woman and take delight only in the
things of good Faith and I have prayed a lot on this already and I
believe so much in the manifestation of God purpose for humanity that
I know he will not fail me and I want you to know that you have to be
strong in your faith as he {God} will surely strengthen you. My
husband’s relatives will misuse this fund because they have sold my
entire late husband's wealth and properties left behind.

They have sold virtually all we have here, As I am here in the
hospital they are around me they wait to hear that I am dead so that
they can lay their hands on my last belongings here on earth, But that
does not bother me because things of the earth are canal, I do not
want them to know about this deposit that is why I am communicating
with you only on email and I am making communication with the finance
firm also who understands my predicament, All I need is your absolute
trust, commitment, confidentiality and honesty because I want to see
my late husband's vision fulfilled before I leave this sinful world.
My spirit directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the
internet for someone to help me since I can no longer trust my family
members and friends and I do not want this particular deposit to be
used for things of the world. I will want you to get back to me that
you will be absolutely honest about this transaction and you will use
this money to the Glory of God. Also you have to assure me you will
keep this transaction confidential because of my Husband family until
funds get to you.

I will also want to know a little more about you regarding your life,
your spiritual life what you do for a living so as for me to know you
well. I require your urgent response, if you are trustworthy and
willing to help carry out this good work of God then I will
immediately forward you the bank details.

Full names:..................................
Date of Birth:.....................................
marital status:...............................
Mobile No.:..................................
And scan copy of your passport or id card:......................

With these details I will also inform my lawyer to work with you and
help arrange the transfer of the funds to you. As soon as you have
received the fund then you will help me set up charity or distribute
it to charity organizations and hospitals with 70% of the total fund,
while 30% will be for your personal use for every minor expenses you
might have made for processing charges from the bank. I pray to be
alive when you receive this fund and start this project so that you
can visit me here if you wish to. I will be very happy if you can
stand and fulfill this work of God which you have been called to do.
With God all things are possible.

Yours in Christ
Mrs. Rebecca Johnson.