(Dying Widow Scam)

These are scams and scam websites which do not fall into the other categories of scams or can be used in multiple scams. They include Next of Kin, Trunk Box, Dying Widow, Rich Orphan, Payment Representative, Fake Government Agent , Fake Compensation, Fake ATM card etc.
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Secret Agent Man
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Contact: (Dying Widow Scam)


Post by Secret Agent Man » Sun Jan 12, 2020 2:29 pm

For further information on these Scams, please Read Identifying Scammers and Scam Websites! and Never Wire Money to Strangers! or click below on these images

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These are scams and scam websites which fall into the other categories of scams, can be used in multiple scams, which we do not have the time to actually categorize or we are unsure for which the particular scam they are being used, e.g. some scam sites are used for both fake job scams and romance scams (where the scammer poses as an executive in a firm) to truck the victim into believing he is legitimate. Besides the categorizes we highlight, they include These are scams and scam websites which do not fall into the other categories of scams or can be used in multiple scams. They include Next of Kin, Trunk Box, Dying Widow, Rich Orphan, Payment Representative, Fake Government Agent , Fake Compensation, Fake ATM card etc.

From: Adelina Graham <>
Date: Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: _-- Kindly call me back

Good Day..

I really appreciate you for taken your time to response back to my sent email. Let me start by introducing my self, I am Mrs. Adelina Graham by name and am From Indonesia, I would request that you respect the integrity of this information and keep the contents of this mail private. I patiently took time to write this important message and i will also appreciate you for taken your time to read my messages.

Am not strong to write much but i will manage to take my time to write because my health condition is poor and declining. I got your contact during my search from my Facebook subjection friends list.

I am an Indonesia woman but is been a long time i visited my country " Indonesia " but presently I live in Turkey "Istanbul City". I lost my husband on August 16, 2016. Meanwhile, I am presently struggling with cancer and my doctor told me that is uncontrollable at this stage and i have few more months to live because of the cancer disease in my lungs. I have pancreatic cancer.

However, I never knew my parent and since i was born i never knew how i found myself in CRIBS Foundation " A charity orphanage in Indonesia" that brought me up till i was 19 years of age. In 2005, Mr. Anthony from United State had a project with Indonesia government and he needed to stay in Indonesia to complete the project and so Mr. Anthony was in search of an house help and he was directed to CRIBS Foundation to request for an house help. The Foundation handed me over to him to work as his house help in Indonesia so i can get paid with little money as my salary. After the end of this contract in Indonesia, Mr. Anthony took me along to his own country " United State " to continue my job as his house help, i worked as an house help in his house in United State and also took care of his only daughter for years.

In 2013, Mr. Anthony and his family including me relocated to Turkey because he was asinged another project which was to last for another 3 years and after he concluded with the project he decided to remain in turkey for some years awaiting another contract by the Turkish governemnt.

His beloved wife died later after 10 years of my stay in his apartment. After the death of his wife, Mr. Anthony asked me to marry him because i was so close to his only daughter. I was not comfortable with the offer because i had no family background but i had no choice than to accept and proper agreement was done with his family and CRIBS Foundation and i became his wife. In August 16, 2016 my husband " Mr. Anthony " was involved in a car accident on his way to Muscat in Turkey which took his life after rushing him to the nearest hospital for recovering. I regret to inform you that my husband " Anthony" pass away in 2016 making me a window.

My late Husband was really involved in charity donation only within Europe before he died. Now that my husband is gone i want to extend his good work to any part of Asia country or Europe by setting up a charity home. I was an orphan and i was lucky to enjoy the benefit, so i want other little children, window and the poor to also benefit. I would have love to come to back to my country to handle the project myself but because of my heath condition i can not come because i have been hospitalized for now and the doctor said my health condition is complicated and i was advice to remain on bed rest till my next major cancer operation.

Now that i am hospitalized and i can not fly back to my country, i needed someone to stand the gap and assist me extend my charity donation to orphans and less privilege , i will provide all the necessary money i inherited from my late husband which am willing to give out as part of my charity donation to humanity. If you are willing and available to assist in handing this charity program , please send me a message of acceptance.

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